Over 5 days of FREE instruction, you'll learn how to generate such massive demand in your practice that you never run out of best clients to work with that are already sold on working with you...without you even having to sell them.
Clients Week starts Monday, February 27th
Over 5 Days Together During Clients Week, You Will:

Set a standard in your business to work with PERFECT clients that practically throw their credit cards at you wanting to start immediately, and quickly identify exactly who those perfect clients are and where to find them.

Create your foolproof 60 day plan for marketing to those PERFECT clients and so they can enroll and start getting results right away.
(Yes, that's at least 10 perfect clients in the next 60 days!)

Learn the quick and painless way to conduct consults, sales conversations, write sales copy and generate all your marketing content without ever second-guessing what to talk about in your content or what you should say next to a potential client.
Monday - Thursday you'll get a link to the daily 20-30 minute training video sent directly to your inbox with a few simple tasks to complete.
These are actual videos from modules inside my paid program, The Profitable Nutritionist™️. There is no fluff.
Clients Week wraps up with a LIVE workshop on Friday, March 3rd
You'll finish your bulletproof marketing plan for the next 60 days and I'll answer any questions you have about growing your business with confidence, clarity, and unlimited clients this year.
FREE Clients Week Training Starts February 27th
Click the button below to register for the 5-Day Free Training so you never struggle with generating demand or getting the highest quality clients in your practice ever again.
Want more clients?
Sign up for Clients Week.
Want more committed clients?
Sign up for Clients Week.
Want to know exactly what to say in your marketing and sales conversations so your prospective clients are chomping at the bit to work with you and can't wait to start?
Sign up for Clients Week.
Want to build up so much demand in your practice that you have to start a waitlist?
Sign up for Clients Week.
Want to impact your clients lives so deeply with your unique process that they send you testimonials and referrals every single time?
Sign up for Clients Week.
You don't have give up on your dream of being your own boss and helping people change their health just because it hasn't come easy, so far.
You just haven't learned how to create the easiest, most motivated and PERFECT clients beating down your door until now.
You don't just get clients. They don't just fall into your lap out of nowhere. You don't have to find clients, either. You're not hunting for prey.
Perfect clients are created by you and THEY come to YOU.
It's not woo-woo law of attraction that creates your best, most ideal and perfect clients, though.
Hoping "the Universe" got your client request is not a sustainable marketing strategy. I don't teach that.
What I will show you is exactly how to sign 10 of your perfect clients in the next 60 days so you have money in the bank.
Yes, you CAN grow your health and wellness business without burning out and being broke if you're focusing on the right tasks.
I'll show you exactly how to do it in our 5 days together by sharing my proven process for creating clients on demand that I have only ever shared in my paid program until now.
This is no-fluff. It's the juiciest, most actionable marketing strategy you've ever been taught. Guaranteed.
Each day you'll get a link to the daily 20-30 minute training video sent directly to your inbox with a few simple tasks to complete.
We'll wrap up with a LIVE workshop on Friday, March 3rd where you'll finish your bulletproof marketing plan for the next 60 days and I'll answer any questions you have about growing your business with confidence, clarity, and unlimited clients in 2023.

Hi, I'm Andrea Nordling, FNTP!
I show holistic nutritionists and health coaches how to build a profitable, impactful online practice and make consistent income every month in their biz without using social media.
Yep, I practice what I preach: When I deleted all my social media profiles and business pages, my business grew exponentially.
(And yours can, too!) Step 1 is knowing how to get unlimited clients, which is what you will learn in Clients Week.