#024 - Changing Offers With Peg Wedig

Resources mentioned in this episode:
👉 Start The Profitable Practice Free Course Here
👉 Learn About The Profitable Nutritionist Program
Episode Summary:
The Profitable Nutritionist Program is OPEN for enrollment until March 16: https://www.buildaprofitablepractice.com/join
It was such a pleasure to bring on one of my OG students and friend, Peg Wedig, to talk OFFERS. Peg’s business has changed considerably over the last 3 years we have been working together, and so have her offers.
You definitely want to tune into this episode for all things changing offers, as Peg has lots of insight to give. (From $25/month to $2000+ , her offers have definitely changed!)
You can find Peg on FB: Peg Seitz Wedig or https://www.facebook.com/peg.wedig/
Here are the other helpful links mentioned in this episode:
CoachSwap: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1654949664659917
Six Simple Steps to a Strong Niche: https://peg-wedig-7135.mykajabi.com/pl/2147539806
Note: The transcription below was provided for your convenience. Please excuse any typos or mistakes the automated service made in translation.
Andrea Nordling 0:00
Well, today is all about the offers. I cannot wait for you to hear this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of my OG students, Peg Wedig to ask all sorts of nosy questions of her about the evolution of her offers, and her pricing over the last two and a half years of her business since we started working together. And Peg and I actually met in person prior to that. So I've had the pleasure of watching her business unfold for years now. And what that means is that she's also been watching my business unfold for years. How fun is that? I mentioned this because I sometimes hear people say, and when I say sometimes I have, a lot of times I hear people say that they don't want their audience to see them change their offer, or change their price, or whether that's lowering their price raising their price, or pivot their niche, or fill in the blank. Any decision here that you're hesitating you don't want your audience to see. Because what will they think? Like? What will they think if I changed my mind if I change something? Well, Peg has seen me do all of those things. Over the last two and a half years, and we talked about that, too, it's so good. We do reference a lot of resources. In this episode that I teach inside my program, we talk a lot of things about creating offers and pricing and how I teach that. So I want to let you know that the profitable nutritionist program is now open for enrollment until March 16 at midnight. So if you're listening to this episode, when it's released, you can join right now at Build a Profitable practice.com forward slash join. Now if you are listening to this episode in the future, you can head right over to that page, same page. And the dates of the next enrollment period will always be listed right at the top so you can put it on your calendar. Again, it's build a profitable practice.com forward slash join, which is also linked up in the show notes of this episode. Alright, let's get to talking offers with peg, you are going to love it. We are just going for it. I love this. Okay, so I have already introduced you peg, one of my favorite OG students. And I mean, we just are talking offers, we're talking all about the offers and all of the shit that our brain tells us about our offers every step of the way in our business. And I just knew you were the perfect person to have this conversation with because you have recently changed your offers a little bit and we were reflecting on how far the chain the evolution has come up to this point. And it's just so fun. So do you want to just tell everyone a little bit about your business two and a half years ago?
Peg Wedig 2:30
Oh my gosh. So I think what you were really trying to say there, Andrea is that I have enough drama in my head to fill like 10 podcasts. So I'm the perfect one to give you enough for what you need today. Exactly what
Andrea Nordling 2:46
I was hoping for. I was hoping we would get all of the drama, so that everyone can just be nodding their head as they're listening to this episode going oh my gosh, everyone else thinks this too. Perfect. Mm hmm.
Peg Wedig 2:57
Yeah. So I'm your classic over thinker. So I'm the perfect one for this. And I really had to work on that, really, because it can slow you down so much. I'm just the one like, it has to be perfect before I start. And
Andrea Nordling 3:12
so I have to stop you for a second. Isn't it funny that you think that about yourself? Because I see you as exactly the opposite. I see you as a totally a quick action taker. Early Adopter doesn't overthink it. That's how I see you.
Peg Wedig 3:23
I'm pretty sure you don't know me that well. We've only known each other how long but you really don't know me. It might be a story. Okay, keep going. Yeah. So
Peg Wedig 3:34
I met you back in that nutrition school. And I remember I tell this story. I remember the first day I heard you talk and you're like, I've worked primarily online, I do all my work online. And I'm like, a little voice inside my head said you've got to get to know Andrea. And then got finished with nutrition school. And it came time to start my business. And I knew I wanted to work online, but I didn't really have any clue as to how to do it. So you will then we're offering your first evolution of the program. And I don't even remember what it was called at that point. But I was like, Sign me up. But of course I didn't sign up right away. You don't know this. It like the offer came. And I knew immediately that I was doing it. And I waited to like the second to the last day to make it official. I don't know why, like
Andrea Nordling 4:24
a human brain. And because we all do this, all of us do this. Why do we do it? I don't know. But we do. We all do. And then we're very confused. Just as a side note, we're very confused. When we're promoting something or doing a launch and nobody buys in the middle like there are few people that buy the first day and then there's the people that buy the last day and no one buys in the middle and we know this and yet every time in the middle we think that's it. Everyone hates me. It's not good. My business is done. I've
Peg Wedig 4:57
never sent you a text like that. Never
Andrea Nordling 5:01
cuz we are humans and we
Peg Wedig 5:04
are we are. So that is, that is one of the big lessons that I've learned is to just when my brain tells me to go to go, Okay, I'm
Andrea Nordling 5:15
humor like as a consumer you mean as a as a buyer,
Peg Wedig 5:19
as as a consumer and as a business owner, like when I know that it's right for me, it's time to jump in, just do it. Like don't overthink it anymore. Like you can fix it later. No decision is permanent. Just go for
Andrea Nordling 5:32
it. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Great growth there.
Peg Wedig 5:37
So anyway, I joined your first group. And there I sat, like trying to figure it out. And you were you were wonderful. The program was wonderful. And I launched my first nutrition membership for him. This is like embarrassing to say $25 a month.
Andrea Nordling 5:52
$25 a month you got started though. I give everyone a timeline of this. This is in summer 2019.
Peg Wedig 6:00
Is that okay? I don't even remember the timeline. Okay. So summer 2019. I get it going. The reason I actually launched just because we were on a coaching call you and me. And somehow, it slipped out of my mouth that I was going to do that I was actually going to launch in two weeks. I was nowhere near ready to launch. But I heard myself say it and then I'm like, Oh, I guess that's what we're doing. And I started making my list of everything I had to do with them. My brain told me Nope, that can't get done that can't get done that can't get done. Like everything on the list. It was like 10 things long. And I remember looking at the list and like I organized it in order like this has to happen first. And this just because some things do like in the in the customer journey and thinking like it's going nowhere, because the first ones not gonna happen. I can't get this darn pop up to work. Pop up, you can't do pop up was almost like career ending for me. And then of course, once the pop up worked, everything else fell into line. And I launched on time, which is you do or call late.
Andrea Nordling 7:10
And you got members and you had a view like made the offer people took you up on the offer and paid you the money.
Peg Wedig 7:15
Of course the very first sale is the woman I call my mom. Classic leg sell to your mom, girl. But the larious to what I ended up with eight people in that first round. And I think what was interesting for me personally was you know, like I I heard this voice inside my head. I was so excited about this membership getting going so exciting. And then the next morning, I think it was or within the first week, I was having my quiet time we hadn't like talked about Miracle Morning and all that stuff. If you remember that. Yeah. And I was having that quiet time. And this voice inside my head says pack this, isn't it. This isn't your end game. And I'm like crap. Yeah, I just happen to your $25. Now we're supposed to like grow and explode is supposed to be amazing. And yes, of course it wasn't. Up here.
Andrea Nordling 8:23
I'm curious about this $25 A month offer which got you off to the races? What was your thought about that offer at the time that made it sellable for you?
Peg Wedig 8:35
My thought at the time was probably something like because I wasn't doing the thought work then I wasn't a life coach at that point. So I'm just trying to recollect what I was thinking. It was probably something like, I can do this. I know what I'm doing. I'm a teacher by trade. So I had put together college level curriculum for something, you know, a few years earlier and had built it out almost exactly the same way that I built out the membership, just the technology was a little bit different. But so I was used to creating hours of content for every week. I mean, I had to tone that down for the nutrition stuff, you know, and just I knew and I was watching you do it. I'm like, if she can do this, I can do this. Yes. A big thought. And I mean, really, it's like, all the pieces kind of like led me there. And then you were just kind of like right in front of me. Like, yeah, you were a lot farther in front of me than I would like to admit.
Andrea Nordling 9:39
Oh, I don't know about that. But I think this is a good sign. Like there's just she's just a little in front of me looking at someone that has figured it out and not thinking that they're miles ahead, just like no, they're just a little bit ahead of me. It's really doable for me. I
Peg Wedig 9:53
love that thought. Yeah, and I never had the thought that it had to be perfect before I launched it. I was Like, I am building this as I go. And I really was able to do it as I went. And I got through, I think 10 or 12 weeks of content that I built out, like almost every week. And that was going to be the core of the membership. And then I once that core was sat, then it was every month, I was releasing new content. So then I thought, oh, my gosh, is going to be a breather, going from doing this every week to once every four weeks is going to be so much easier. And you know, what's funny is it wasn't
Andrea Nordling 10:32
no, it wasn't it because they still didn't get that 12 weeks of stuff they don't like we think that people need more and more and more information from us. And really, they're like, No, I'm still on week one. I don't I still need to master week one. And we're going too fast. And it's too much and exactly all of the brain patterns that we all have the brain.
Peg Wedig 10:51
Yeah, so I learned a ton at $25 a week, or $25 a month. Yeah. And it was all worth every single penny, every single penny going on. I was trying to figure out other stuff along the way too. But I think like if I hadn't had that experience where I had sold so cheaply and believed that it was so worth the $25 a month that I don't know if I'd gotten where I am today. Yeah. Oh, that's
Andrea Nordling 11:21
a good thought bag. I love that for everyone. Yeah, it's not like you made a mistake. Now we're gonna talk about how like how your offers have changed. We're gonna talk about how you sell more expensive stuff now. But I love that segue into that being like, but I don't like regret 25 bucks a month, no mean that I learned so much. That's so good.
Peg Wedig 11:41
Yeah. And then it was right around that time, when that was kind of, I don't want to say fizzling but changing in my brain, like realizing that that was coming to an end, that I really got into the life coaching world. And I think you were the same time. I know you were the same time. Because I raised went back and forth a lot about that. We've got some good stories there.
Andrea Nordling 12:04
Yes, do you do and we got certified in the same round through the Life Coach School. Yeah,
Peg Wedig 12:09
we did. And then what happened was I, I went right into, like trying to then create some kind of group program for life coaching and doing some kind of membership like in my brain. And I was like, all mixed up. And I realized that I needed to go back and do more one on one work, because that was where I was going to really start to be able to dig in and build up my base knowledge of what I felt I needed in order to get moving in this new area. And it wasn't like, I don't know, I can't start kind of thing was like, I want to be like the best at this. So I want to have like, a really solid core so that I can teach what I know to somebody else. There's there's a different level as a teacher, we know there's a different level between being able to do something and being able to teach that something. I knew I could do it. I wanted to be able to do it at the level where I could teach it.
Andrea Nordling 13:17
Yes, yeah. Okay, you don't know this. But I have an upcoming episode about should you start a membership or an online course. And so you were like, Tina, I'm gonna let's save some of my thoughts about this. Okay. Oh, they have evolved over time for that episode because it is coming up. But this is a perfect like mention of that. Because, yes, I think that everyone should have a course or membership at some point, because it's amazing. But we tried to do it way too early. Me included, and it cost me a lot of time. And maybe you're kind of feeling that same thing. As you're reflecting back on it. I'm going back to what I want to go, oh, no, like, if I just work with someone one on one for a while, and I get really good at this. It's gonna make all the rest of that program creation, so much better in the future, because I will be such a master at articulating my thoughts and my ideas and helping people.
Peg Wedig 14:06
Mm hmm, exactly. So then I found myself in this really weird place. Because I knew like I had had this little message in my brain come to me that said, Peggy, you're supposed to work with coaches. And then I I had all the thoughts about that. Because I'm like, Who in the world are you to work with coaches, you just got started in this field? Like the you don't have the qualification for that. You're like, No, you are way ahead of yourself. Then I told myself like, No, this is like a sign like I'm supposed to do this. So then my brain just has to get to work on how I'm supposed to do it. So I just got to get super creative. And what I ended up doing was I ended up keeping working like one on ones with people but then I'm like, How do I surround myself with people who might need what I have to offer? And so I didn't offer Coaching, you know, like training per se. I offered accountability groups for people who were in that situation,
Andrea Nordling 15:08
which is, let me get clarification for a second. Okay. So at this point, what is your offer that you're offering to people? If someone's like, I want to work with you, Peg, what are you offering them? At
Peg Wedig 15:15
that point? I was up to $50 for a six week package for so it was a $300. Complete offer. Okay. Yeah. So $50 per session, per se, that was take anyone who was available? And then I'm like, No, I really know I'm supposed to niche down to coaches. I like, we don't know how to do that. Like, no, that is just not happening. Like your brain could see like, where the holes were where people were falling apart. Yeah. As they were starting to start their businesses. And I'm like, No. And then But yeah, this, a lot of people
Andrea Nordling 15:51
are going to resonate with this as they're remembering what brought them into their health and wellness practice. And like the those those little subtle reminders that bring us back to like, No, this is important. This is who you're supposed to talk to you. This is why we're doing this. This is what we intended to do. We did this on purpose, we chose this, nobody's making us have this. Yeah, we actually chose this of our own accord, and we have local reminders
Peg Wedig 16:17
that come up. And then as a teacher, like, I know that it's just a matter of like creating all the baby steps to get to where I need to be to be able to do that. So I knew I wasn't surrounded with coaches that needed that level of what I was hoping to offer someday. So that's when I offered the group accountability. Like cohorts, I guess is the word for other coaches for other coaches. Yeah, so I read them I really upped my offer them, then it was 12 weeks for $300.
Andrea Nordling 16:51
Girl Love it. Okay, so I feel like yeah, so this was a paid offer 12 weeks accountability groups for coaches, to this is like business development for them to get their coaching practice going.
Peg Wedig 17:05
It was it was literally just accountability groups. And then what I did was I said, okay, the, like the first session, like, I'm going to teach you what I know. And then after that, everyone's gonna take like, 10 minutes and just share. So it was like, more like group masterminding like everybody take a section and lead and, and show us what you got, what you're learning all the things. And of course, like, what ended up happening was that people didn't want to put themselves out there and teach. So guess who ended up teaching a lot of it yours truly, which was actually like one of the best things ever? Because it just gave me a platform to practice. Yeah, yeah.
Andrea Nordling 17:44
So how long did we run group, like these groups for?
Peg Wedig 17:49
We started that last February. So a year ago? Yeah. Okay. Okay, and then did that for all of spring? Yeah. And then in the summer, I did kind of like a drop in membership kind of format. So it was the perfect thing for me at the time, I charged $100 a month. So I did not my prices, it didn't get a ton of people. But it kept me in front of my audience. And it kept me selling to the people I wanted to sell to.
Andrea Nordling 18:20
Okay, so I want to go back to the, to the accountability group. So actually, no, let's go back to because I want to, like make sure that we touch on the thoughts of each offer and like that, what you were thinking when you made the changes that you made? So let's go back to two, six weeks for 300 bucks. What was your prevailing thought there when you made that offer?
Peg Wedig 18:38
Nobody's gonna pay more than that. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, I don't know anyone who will want this in this was immediately before COVID, I put this offer out. Okay, I went to one like big wellness event. And had one, I actually had two people that I contacted out of that. And one was a definite go, she signed up and the other was going to and then at the last minute, did not.
Andrea Nordling 19:05
And so this was like coaching for any human, this is like life threatening you with whatever problems are, are plaguing you, I'll help you we'll figure out your mindset around it. Okay.
Peg Wedig 19:15
Because my core beliefs is that we don't wait to get started that we do like we don't know, see,
Andrea Nordling 19:23
let's I your point right here in the beginning where I said, I see you as an action taker and not an over thinker at all. Feeling very vindicated right now. Thank you very much. So anyway, okay, so the thought process there was no one is going to pay more than that. That's fascinating. I think a lot of people can relate to that thought process when they're setting their price. Did did $300 feel uncomfortable?
Peg Wedig 19:53
Yes. It did in the sense that, like when I look back at Evolution of what I had done up until that point, I only asked for $25 a month. And now here I was asking someone to pay $300. And she was a friend of a friend. Now, I had all the thoughts around that, too. But I'm like, No, and I'm still in training at this point. Yes, I'm like, okay, but I know enough to help her. Yes,
Andrea Nordling 20:23
I love this. Because how many people when they're still in their certification of anything? I'm thinking of nutrition, or any health coaching certification? Like, no, I have to get to the end first before I can help people. It's true. So not true. You tell them to drink water instead of Diet Coke start there. You can tell someone that today, right. Right now life changing? Yeah. Yes, I just wrote an email about this. And I was so I was like, deep into the thought about it. That, like, really what we have to share is that your whole body and your mind is connected, and is not separate things. And the symptoms in your body are not separate things that are just happening to happen to you. No, it's all connected. Totally just telling people that and having them understand that in their own body is life changing. We can all do that right now.
Peg Wedig 21:15
Absolutely. Absolutely. 100%.
Andrea Nordling 21:18
I know, I just our brains do this crazy thing, where we think that people's problems are much more complicated than they are and that our capacity to help them is much smaller than it is. is still alive. We can help right now. No, no,
Peg Wedig 21:31
no, no, no, I've got how many years of life experience but I haven't accumulated anything.
Andrea Nordling 21:39
No. Yeah, but I've nothing to share on this topic you've lived it? Course. Not. So crazy. Okay. So 300 a month? What are 300 for six weeks? Felt like a stretch, but you did it and you sold it? Yep. Totally. How many times? Did you sell that before? It felt like a hell yes to you? Or did you? I guess I'm assuming it at some point it did. Did it ever get to feel like of course, this is like you'd be an idiot not to buy this? Did it ever feel like that to you? I don't
Peg Wedig 22:07
think it ever did at that point. Because it still felt like I only had that one person at that point. And she renewed she was like, of course I'm renewing. And then of course, she so I had her for 12 weeks. And then at the 12 week mark, she's like, I think we're done. And I was like, oh, obviously my offer wasn't good enough, then. If it was good, she would have stuck around. Yeah, it's just so not true.
Andrea Nordling 22:37
No. Say that. Yes. With a lot of sarcasm. No, that is not true. True. But we love to think this way about ourselves. We'd love to take any opportunity to prove all of the negative shit thoughts, right? Why do we do this? Because this is what our human brains do. They love it.
Peg Wedig 22:55
And then love the flip side of that thing, too. Like, if she was still a client today, like, you know what, two years later, whatever, would she have been getting what I originally promised her by now, and like it had either moved on or decided on a new goal that we were working toward, but I was in my brain I was like, are still working on that first goal. And I reached it. Yeah, my brain wasn't, wasn't there. You know,
Andrea Nordling 23:24
that's kind of an interesting thing that you bring up because I've been giving a lot of thought to this too recently. In terms of, like, I feel that there's some element of practitioners not wanting, not wanting is strong. That's not what I really mean. I'm gonna choose my words wisely here but hesitating to, to like really want their clients I missed they want and really want their clients to get all of the results because they like then they won't need me anymore. Right? So there's some element of that there. Sometimes it's sneaky thought that can be in there that's like, well, if I teach you everything, you're not going to need me anymore. Or if I if I teach you how to make your own meal plans, and I'm not making them for you, then what the hell you're gonna pay me for like there's some little sneaky thoughts in there. Sometimes that can be shining through. So if that's you, anyone that's listening to this, challenge that a little
Peg Wedig 24:09
bit. I think that comes right back down to like, if you follow that down to the road, it's that you're in scarcity. You believe that if you help someone and they get to their goal, then they're gonna leave and go live the rest of their life, and there's nobody else coming that's gonna need your services.
Andrea Nordling 24:28
Exactly. Like they're not gonna you're not going to be a great referral source for you or anything. They're not Oh, no, no, no everyone that they can how amazing and life changing it was. No, of course they are. And this also while I while we're on this little rabbit hole. It's also okay if people get results way faster than you told them. They were going to this this also happens if you sell a six month package, but people get results in three months. They're not going to be mad at you because they have three months left. They're going to be so fucking happy that they got the result so fast and you're amazing. because look at how fast so?
Peg Wedig 25:04
Yeah. Scared of that either. Everybody. clarity around that at that point. Oh God, I
Andrea Nordling 25:11
didn't have that. No, you did not at that point.
Peg Wedig 25:13
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. So hold on to the client. Yeah. Hold on the client at all costs.
Andrea Nordling 25:20
Yes. The mentality of this clients job is to make me feel good about my business.
Peg Wedig 25:25
Yeah. Oh, you nailed it right there. Because if I have one client, she's paying me $50 a week, then I am a paid life coach. That's right. That's right. And I can feel good about myself.
Andrea Nordling 25:36
Yes. It's their job to make me feel good about my business. Yeah. Yes,
Peg Wedig 25:40
yes, it's all about me instead of serving them. And that was a huge shift for me. Like when I realized that my goal was just and that's one of my favorite thoughts is just to serve, serve, serve, like, boom, everything exploded for my business at that point. Okay, so tell us about that. Oh, like when, and this is a thought I see come up with a lot of new coaches, like when I tell them, Well, why do you want to do what you want to do? And immediately the focus is on them. And this was me too, like, well, then I can work part time, then I can have the hours that I want. And I can do this, and I can you know, and that list is about them. And then maybe they'll sprinkle in at the end. And I get to help people. Maybe, yeah, and like, as soon as I like one at that my brain like, No, I am just here to help anyone and everyone all the time, then it would be like I showed up differently. I showed up as the person who was abundantly out there offering serving, and I get off these calls. And they'd be like, hey, I want to work with you. Or if it didn't happen, then like three months later, I'd get a message in my inbox and say, you know, I've talked to a lot of coaches, and you just stood out. You're the one I want to work with. I want to hire you now. Yes.
Andrea Nordling 27:02
You've never know ended not right now. Does it mean no forever. No worries wanted to our brains want to say if someone did not pay me right now, immediately. I am a failure. And they weren't right. And I can't do this. And it's never gonna happen. And then we forget about this thing where we put things off to the very last minute till it's so painful. And the deadline is looming, like we already talked about. It's so painful that we have to make a decision. You never know what that point is going to be in someone's life where this like, Oh, get to it someday feeling becomes Oh, my gosh, I have to do this right now. It's urgent. We don't know when that is for people
Peg Wedig 27:36
don't do. Yeah, we don't. And we can't force that. Like, oh, creating, trying to create that for somebody that's like you being needy, and you wanting it for yourself like, yeah, I see what's wrong with you. Let me up that 10% 20% 30% Let me tell you all about it. Because then you'll want to work with me now.
Andrea Nordling 27:56
Because then you'll pay me right now, which also will make me feel really good about my business. I mean that you right now. So if you could go ahead and pay me right now. That'd be great. So I feel good.
Peg Wedig 28:05
Yeah. And when I pushed out of that, like, and I think that's normal, like when you think like, I'm in business now, like, I'm supposed to get paid, there's that that message, you know, I'm supposed to get paid, I have to get if it's a real business, I get paid. And absolutely, if it's a real business, you get paid. But when that's your focus, instead of keeping it on helping the other person, like you keep your mind your your mind on helping the other person. Everything else falls into place.
Andrea Nordling 28:33
Yes, then of course, you get paid because just that value out in the world comes back to you, but not because I'm entitled to it. It's not likely, I'm doing this for you, I'm entitled to a tit for tat business, that doesn't feel good for anybody. Oh, such a good reminder. But just and I also think that this really helps with with the whole concept that I know it's very sticky. For a lot of us, it used to be for me, it's not anymore because of this exact thing that we're talking about. But what to offer for free versus what to charge for was very confusing to me for a long time. And I know it is for a lot of people like well, what do you talk about for free? But then what do you what do you charge people for that if you're already doing this for free, and that gets very muddy. And that's just like, all of that drama in your brain can be completely eliminated by just thinking I'm just here to help people. And then you just give your best stuff away. And guess what, they still come back and pay for it? Yeah,
Peg Wedig 29:23
well, and then the thought in your head goes away goes, if I give my best stuff now, like what will I have to offer them when they are a paid client? Because you're in scarcity mode, and you're thinking like nothing else is coming for you? Nothing else like I'm not gonna learn anything beyond this little bit of knowledge I have right now. And it's like, no, no, no, I'm gonna keep growing and learning and and building up who I am. And when I do that, I will always have something new and better to offer to them. Yeah, I can give away whatever in anything I need to or want to it. There's more coming for me.
Andrea Nordling 29:59
There's More coming for me is a great place to make an offer from since that's what we're talking about. I want to like really isolate that that like there's always more coming for me, I can help you and I can help more people is a great place to make an offer from instead of you better, you better make this decision right now because my good stuff you have
Peg Wedig 30:16
to pay for. Yeah, and I've only
Andrea Nordling 30:19
got a great offer everyone that doesn't feel good as a consumer.
Peg Wedig 30:22
No, like right now, like what I put out my free stuff is some of my best work. Some of my best work because I want them to know that there's more just like this coming. Just like that coming. And I'm growing into the person who gives them more and more and more and more every single day.
Andrea Nordling 30:40
Yes. Oh, that's such a great thought to make offers from too. Okay, you record like giving us all of the gems today. I'm loving this. So you're like your focus on them over you and their results over your immediate results changed and shifted? Yes. Because you had a lot of trust that your results were coming as long as you were thinking about them. I love that so much. What else happened at this point? Because right now you have us up to our accountability groups for 300 for 12 weeks, then what happened?
Peg Wedig 31:13
And then summer came and then so I really literally just did $100 Stick around accountability. group coaching calls twice a week. Okay, well, I did and I don't. I think I had a handful of one on ones at that point. Okay, why do you remember
Andrea Nordling 31:31
what you were charging? For one on ones? I'm just curious. $100 an hour? Okay. Yeah, just session by session.
Peg Wedig 31:37
Let me think at that point, I was doing a monthly so if there are four Wednesdays in the in the month, your monthly invoice paid up front is $400 for the month. Gotcha. So I would every month go through and fill you out. Okay. All right, then where did everything move to?
Andrea Nordling 31:58
I know that changes coming here.
Peg Wedig 31:59
Yes, changes coming. By the end of summer. I just felt like I needed, like a little bit of unwinding. So I took a little downtime, which was so interesting, because it was, in hindsight, it was exactly what I needed. Because September came and I started booking people like crazy. And I was booking one on ones and I was booking them at that $100 rate billed monthly.
Andrea Nordling 32:24
Okay, so are these one on one clients, just general life coaching clients? Or are these coaches at this point?
Peg Wedig 32:29
A combination of both? combination of both? Okay,
Andrea Nordling 32:33
I love to point this out, just because I know that a lot of people have a lot of questions about niching. And do I have to niche? And do I have to mention do I have to niche? And the answer is you don't have to know, but it might just accidentally happen when you take the pressure off of you.
Peg Wedig 32:45
Right, right. Absolutely. Absolutely. So I was doing this, you know, one on one kind of work. And at that point, I was hooked in with a group online, Coach swap everyone, if you're a coach, you should get in there. What they do is though admin on the group, William Winterton puts together a container for people to offer to freely coach each other. And I had found that group immediately after I had graduated. So I got in there. And I had done some free coaching back and forth with a lot of people. That's another way I was getting in front of coaches.
Andrea Nordling 33:21
So could my nutrition students? Could my audience benefit from that? Because I've never looked into that at all before. I don't see why not? Absolutely. It's their practice sessions, past practice, such as, oh, that's so juicy. Okay, I will make sure that I link to that, and the notes of this episode.
Peg Wedig 33:36
So you're just like, hey, here's my calendar link, and you throw it out there, and people would sign up, and I could literally fill my calendar really quickly, you know, especially when you said, I'd like to focus on business coaching you like it, boom, you're filling your funnel, and then you'd go back and forth. And that's where you just meet a lot of coaches and you get a lot of ideas to like you're growing and learning and see how other people do and just becoming a better version of what you do as well.
Andrea Nordling 34:04
Okay, so I want to say pro tip for anyone that does this, or like for any practice sessions, Ben, your clients, such as all of them, record them, and use a like free or low cost transcription tool online and transcribe those sessions and then go back to them even if it's painful. and evaluate your sessions. And that is how you will get better like real quick. If you look at them in you actually take the time to painfully look at where you could have done a little bit better for next time. You will do better for next time just saying Oh,
Peg Wedig 34:37
that is beautiful advice. So when I coach I kind of transcribe as I coach, I'm literally typing the whole time and like formulating questions and the whole deal and then I go back and clean that up and I send that to my clients. Right now. That's one of the things I love because as I'm going back through it, I'm like doing exactly what you said like oh, what was my brain thinking when I asked this or like, I could have asked this Question 20 minutes earlier and we could be, you know, so much farther along like it is a beautiful thing. You'll
Andrea Nordling 35:06
also see patterns of the questions that people are consistently asking you, which is going to be gold for you to develop your own processes around and your own shortcuts and your own way of teaching these concepts in the future. And like your secret sauce, just help you get more clear on that, I think.
Peg Wedig 35:22
And all that time, I was never thinking like, this is I'm just giving too much away. Never thinking that I was thinking, I am learning and growing.
Andrea Nordling 35:33
Yeah. Okay. So this is something that I tell my students do. Well, Peg knows that because she is, she is is she's she has been for a really long time. If your calendar allows it, don't be too cool. For free sessions, go on something like this coach, swap and book the sessions, work with people for free, and then evaluate the hell out of them and get better and get better. And you will get the paid clients a lot faster when you are feeling so solid on your abilities. I cannot say them yet. But coming from the place of I can do this, like I can just help people I can just help people not I think the other thought that would be very problematic at this point is like, I shouldn't have to do this for free. I should be getting paid for this. They should be paying me for this. I am certified, I have experience in this. Those types of thoughts are going to be a client repellent. And a money repellent for your business, like spraying on bug spray is what kinds of works, does that exist? I'm not sure if that exists. And if it existed, that would be like what you would be spraying all over saying don't even come and work with me. Because it's all about me. Yeah. So they're like, really clean up those thoughts? Do I have time and I can do this. And I'm just gonna help people. And it's gonna come back to me, and it's gonna be great.
Peg Wedig 36:40
Exactly. And another thought I had, which really helped and goes along exactly with what you're saying is like, I need to know what the next version of me as a business owner looks like. So at this point, I have what, you know, four sessions a week booked out, you know, salad, I want to know what it looks like to have 10 This was a great way to fill my calendar and practice
Andrea Nordling 37:03
being the coach that had 10 sessions booked out that is solid gold, right there. Oh, that's so good. Okay, so you got all of the practice sessions, practicing a lot, you had one on one clients, you were coaching a lot,
Peg Wedig 37:19
I was coaching a lot. And by this point, I was already helping a lot of all the people that had been in the accountability groups that stayed, I was really helping them with all their basic things that were blocking them from getting started too. So I had created this environment where I could coach on exactly what I wanted to in a way that worked for me, that was like baby steps all the way through. And then I get to October. And the coach swap admin comes to me and says, like peg, we did that little niching Zoom video back in April, we got to talk, we really got to talk. And we ended up creating this group program between the two of us. And literally, it took us like four weeks. He's a gogogo kind of guy. And I'm like, now we need to stop and think about this. Remember, this is why I'm overthinker.
Andrea Nordling 38:10
Remember overthinker Yeah, right.
Peg Wedig 38:12
So he's like, no peg, we're going. And so it's like this beautiful little partnership, because he pushes me in that way. And I'm like, stop, we got to think you know, I'm like really vision. But then so we end up launching this group program that ends up being three months for two grand is where we're at with that group. Perfect.
Andrea Nordling 38:31
So that is renewing I met
Peg Wedig 38:35
way five clients in 90 days is a long way from $25 a month.
Andrea Nordling 38:42
Yes, it is. And you're still taking one on one client.
Peg Wedig 38:46
I am I am. So then, like the next piece. And the story is, by that point, we kind of parted ways a little bit because I had gone back to one. And once you were still doing membership, I'm like we're not quite the match. But I was still listening and you had started the podcast and reading your emails and stuff. And that point, I helped felt this little tug like you need to like figure out what's going on here. And so what I ended up doing was I ended up joining your group again. And that was when I sent you that lovely little text. Are you gonna read the text? Do you have you see if I can find it quickly. Yeah, I wrote it.
Andrea Nordling 39:23
I love to seeing pegs names show up as a new enrollment in the program. Like oh my gosh, peg is back. I love this. I can't wait to hear what she has going on. And you never disappoint me with the happy text. So I get this text from her a couple days later.
Peg Wedig 39:39
That says Here are my thoughts we have been talking so this is mid text. I put I will make make way more than 3k from this program. I will learn way more than 3k from this program. 3k is a bargain. And it's going to be so much fun to reconnect with Andrea and see how The program has grown and evolved.
Andrea Nordling 40:02
Because you may be shocked, it had changed a little bit in two and a half years, just
Peg Wedig 40:07
like just just a little bit. It was so much fun to send you that and I'm like this, because that's one of the things that like you like write your testimonial before you start working with a coach, like, what are you gonna say? Like a month out? Two months out three months out? And how are you going to feel? Because that's the person you want to grow into? Is the person who already thinks that way?
Andrea Nordling 40:30
Yes, because then it just happens. Like that. That just happens. Then I get the next text and she's late,
Peg Wedig 40:36
which is a month later. This is Hey, Andrea. Just thought I would let you know that despite Christmas, the flu COVID and two vacations. All of my thoughts have come through.
Andrea Nordling 40:49
So fun. So fun, because it's just our thoughts. Always just start that. Yeah, like
Peg Wedig 40:56
all the neediness all the grasping Enos like is, I don't want to say it's, it's completely gone. But it is like 99% gone. Like, I know the clients are coming. That's another thought I practice clients are coming clients are coming. It's just my job to get ready for them. Yeah, lo and behold, they show up. And they it's just the
Andrea Nordling 41:20
weirdest thing. Okay, so 300 for 12 weeks, no one's gonna buy this. Like, nobody needs this. Nobody actually wants this. And then you start selling something for two grand. Yeah, I mean, I know there were some steps in between there. And definitely some, you know, self concept increases and offer belief and all of that that happened along the way. I don't want to minimize that. But what does peg that sells a $2,000 offer? Think that's differently? I mean, I know you've given us a lot of gems so far, but specifically about your offer, like what do you think differently when people are buying a $2,000 offer?
Peg Wedig 41:52
I'm like, Oh, gee, the value is their 100% belief in what I do what my partner and I bring to the table like 100%. And I know that if our clients come in at 100%, they're going to get what they came for. Yeah, totally. Like, there's not a doubt in my mind. Like you come to me, I can help you because I can see, this is what I do. I know this stuff inside and out. Yeah. So different from where I started. What Yeah, I could help you. Let me think about that.
Andrea Nordling 42:30
Maybe, but I don't know. Yeah, we'll see. I mean, hopefully. But if you don't get results fast enough. And if you don't keep renewing, I'm going to quit believing in you. Yeah. You guys, we had a, we had a coaching call yesterday, we talked about the worst emails that you could write to your clients if they actually knew your secret fears about them getting results. And we were like, Well, this was this was what a pegs beliefs is like, well, if they don't get results quickly enough, then I'll quit believing in them. Like, I'm worried about that. Not necessarily a thought you practice now, but it was like lurking in your subconscious mind. We were like, wouldn't that be a great email, I can solve all of your problems. Please work with me. I know exactly why you haven't gotten results so far. And I can help you get them quickly. But if you don't do it fast enough to quit believing in you sign up here. Sign up now.
Peg Wedig 43:25
Yeah, maybe that's a little bit like the extra strength bug spray.
Andrea Nordling 43:30
Yeah, a little bit of that. But if we have those beliefs, and that's like, obviously how your copy will sound in some way. It'll, it'll always come through those thoughts. So the better thought that you have now is, the value is there. They're going to get what they came for. Because you're showing up as a student who knows the value is there. And she always gets what she came for. And you're excited about it. And you're like, you can see that for yourself. So it's so easy for you to see that. And your students. That's so fun. And you're selling one on ones at $2,000. I might add
Peg Wedig 44:01
I am so that just changed recently, up until then I was still doing the the $100 billed monthly kind of thing. And I still have a few people on that. And that's fine. I'll just keep them on that. Like for now. I'm not going to spend time worrying about that or putting energy toward that. That's the deal we made. Like until it feels wrong. I'll just keep doing it because it feels good. You know and thing. But I've decided going forward that I'm not going to sell that way because I realized one thing that I was doing when I was setting people up this way is that we talk about like when you start coaching with someone like all the fun stuff really tends to come up up about six weeks in like no you can get into some pretty darn heavy stuff at that point.
Andrea Nordling 44:56
Yeah, like the trust is there. The report is there it starts to get a little out
Peg Wedig 45:00
are real. And then the better coach you are, I think the faster you get there, but by six weeks you darn well better be there, you know. And at that point your clients like, dang, I didn't think I was gonna be working on all this stuff, I thought I was just gonna be like, give me the strategy to XYZ in like, you're just going to tell me what to do, I'm going to be the good student, I'm going to go off and do it, it's not going to be great. You know, that's what they're thinking probably when they sign up for coaching with you. And you're like, No, that's not quite what we do here, we go back, and we figure out why you aren't able to do XYZ strategy. And we fix that, because that ripples through everything in your life. And that's where you get this tremendous change. But that can be a spot for your client that kind of feels a little heavy at times, you know, and then they're like, Well, you know, really need a new truck.
Andrea Nordling 45:57
Yeah. So then all of a sudden, those monthly, the monthly installments, they're, they're rethinking those Oh,
Peg Wedig 46:03
yeah. Right. And I asked him, like, when we started, I'm like, I asked for a six month commitment. And they're all like, Oh, I'm so in. I'm so in. You know, but I've had a couple people that have stopped, and then they realize that I'm doing them a disservice by letting them stop, you know, at any point before they get their own results. Yeah, yeah. And I don't want to do that anymore. So I just started selling a package, you know, that I know, they can get the result within the timeframe.
Andrea Nordling 46:32
Yeah. Yes. For you. You're like, No, this is a no brainer. It's totally worth it. Grand? Yeah. painful,
Peg Wedig 46:39
painful. Let's just go do it. And this last one that I sold, she was so funny. She was cute. She was like, wow, would you consider doing half of that? And I'm like, Well, would you consider getting half of your results? I didn't say it to her that way. But like, really, like, as a professional, I know what my clients need in order to get what they came for. And I'm like, I'm not gonna let you sell yourself short on that. Like, we're all in here. Like, let's go girl.
Andrea Nordling 47:13
Exactly, because you have so much faith that clients are coming, and that you can and you're gonna help her get her results. Oh,
Peg Wedig 47:20
100%. One so good. And then, as what we're talking about emails, I, I love to use my weekly emails to correct my own thought errors. So if you were to go back and look at look at my evolution of emails you like, I tell everyone, you're gonna stink when you start, just know that like, but every 90 days or so, like, go back and look and see how much better you got. So we might email with your email writing. Yes, totally. You totally get better. And so now I go back and I look at like, what lessons have I learned in the last 90 days? And there it is, like, I'm gonna get her 100% results. I believe it in my bones. I'm no longer like, Well, I'm gonna quit believing in her like she stubs and we don't get a results. Yeah, no, no, we don't do that anymore. Like you don't, this is who I am. This is what you're getting. Now the coach that fully 100% believes that she can get your results.
Andrea Nordling 48:23
And I just want to offer for everyone hearing this and the certainty that you can hear peg saying that with which I know you can feel and she's just like this as if she's just telling us the news like yes, this is just what I do. I help everyone get 100% results is exactly what happened. That is available for you whether or not you've ever worked with a client before, because you can show up as a practitioner that is going to be all in and is going to help them get results 100% Even if you have no evidence to base that off of even if you've no idea how it's going to work, you have no idea the exact process you're going to use. You don't know exactly what questions they're going to ask you. You're not sure if their gallbladder works or not right now. Well, you can still believe you're going to get exactly what you came for. And I'm here to help you and I can do it.
Peg Wedig 49:10
Yeah, make it a no brainer for yourself. Make it a no brainer for them but make it also a no brainer for yourself. Make sure your offer is something that you absolutely 100% know you can deliver on and then you don't have a problem selling it.
Andrea Nordling 49:24
Yes yes yes so the in this first stage of my program what I teach when you're creating your offer is an easy yes offer which isn't easiest for you. And an easy yes for them. So we're saying the same thing. They're like easy. Yes. Just something that it isn't. It isn't the cheapest it doesn't have to be the cheapest it doesn't have to be $25 a month, but it's an easy yes for you to believe in and for you to sell and then you get to incrementally. You know it, change it and adjust over time. But if you can't get on board right now today with that super premium price that you want to be a year from now. That's not a problem. It's okay. What can you be on board with right now? wasn't easy yes for you and for them, go sell that, and then reevaluate in a month or evaluate in two months. And it's not, it's not a problem to raise your prices. That's a beautiful thing. Supply and demand. It's a great, it's a great capitalist nation. We live in a way and golly, I love that demand.
Peg Wedig 50:18
Yeah, you have to remember you're selling the service. And then you're also selling the price. They're kind of two different things. And you can honor to simple even the service, but you can lowball the price. And like, that's easy to fix, as you learn to sell. As you learn what
Andrea Nordling 50:40
clicks for you. And you're like, oh, when I'm giving you this price that that used to be an easy yes, for me and for my people. Now, all of a sudden, this, this seems like way too inexpensive. I don't think I'm doing you a favor anymore. And that's when you increase the price. And it really isn't easy. Yes. For you and for them. Because your belief is like, Oh, yep, this is the value. Now. This is where we're actually,
Peg Wedig 51:01
yes, yes. And that comes from your confidence too, and your ability to sell as well. And that's something like if you haven't done this work before, you probably don't have experience with that. So know that that's going to grow. And don't make it any that anything's gone wrong. But you started at $25 for the month, for the month for the whole month. Why
Andrea Nordling 51:23
that like, oh, $6.25
Peg Wedig 51:24
a week? Less if there's five weeks.
Andrea Nordling 51:32
thing of bargain for sure. So I'm curious now, I love it that your thought about that is like I'm so glad I did that because it got me to where I am now. So I love that. But as you as you like think back on that decision of $25 a month. Like what else? Are you thinking about that? What would you say to someone right now who's thinking I have to have a really cheap offer? Because it'll be easy for people to say yes. Like, what would you tell them now?
Peg Wedig 51:59
Okay, so people don't say yes, because of the actual dollar amount? They say yes. Because they want what you have to offer, not because of how much it costs. They need what you have to offer. They need to like and trust you. Yeah, they don't need you actually need to know you. That's something we we get told they have to know like and trust, you know, they just have to need like and trust you.
Andrea Nordling 52:30
There you go. Mm hmm. Yeah,
Peg Wedig 52:33
once they have that. And they see like, if they really need it, they're willing to pay for it. Like, and they they know, like, you gotta sell that result as what is the result going to impact their life for for the rest of their life?
Andrea Nordling 52:51
Yeah, yeah, it's not just for this month, while they paid me this month, this is something that is for the rest of their life.
Peg Wedig 52:57
Exactly. And then, like, used to have to start just having shifts to laying in your thinking, like, I had to dig in and like, figure out how money worked. And I realized, one of the big things in my learning was that money is energy. Money is designed to flow. And so if I'm not allowing the person to pay me the value of what it is, I'm actually creating a blockage there. And it's stopping that energy flow. And and then I had all these thoughts about like, well, it's greedy to take that much money for this. Oh, isn't that a fun one? I know other practitioners especially. Yeah, I should just do it for free. Or I should do it at a low price, like drinking water, like, you know what, that's not worth a lot of money. That's what our brain tells us, like working on our mental health is not worth much. Like if your leg was broken, you wouldn't hesitate to go to the hospital and get it fixed. But if you're having a mental issue, like no need to spend any money on that, like no, that changes the whole quality of someone's life. So you want to think about it that way. And then like I was saying like that, that thought that I was being greedy. That was like a mental, broken leg. And in my brain, like no, I'm not being greedy, because I don't have to stockpile that money. I can pass that money on to somebody else who needs it them too. It's like, I'm just allowing that flow and it's beautiful. And I can keep the money that I think I truly mean. Or I can pass it on and give it to people, other people who need it. Like the money doesn't make me who I am. I get to make me who I am. It's just I get to use it however I want to then and then I have choices and that's like
Andrea Nordling 54:50
and then when you believe that you have choices with money, guess what? You give your clients a little bit of credit that they have choices with their money too and they could choose to spend it with you or not. You can't coerce them. You can't make them do it anyway. And then I yeah, they're grown up in there making choices with their money. Oh, maybe this is a choice they want to make,
Peg Wedig 55:11
right? Oh, totally, totally. I actually wrote a whole email about this. And I used coke as an example. And I shouldn't say this on a health podcast, podcasts. Love Coke, okay. You're just gonna go there. I don't let myself drink it all that much. But I really do love it. And I wrote this whole email about how I am so grateful that coke actually makes offers to me. Like, they put themselves out there. They're everywhere. I want to be there, the real thing, like, all the slogans came into this email. It was so fun. But like, I don't look at Coke. And I'm like, dang, I really wish they hadn't offered to me. I really wish they hadn't. You know, obviously, I'm trying to lose weight, I wish. But in the big scheme of my life, like, I want that I like I want it I want them to offer to me, we think as well as practitioners or coaches that sometimes people don't want us to offer to us. And then yeah, like we're running them. Yeah, we're begging them. You're annoying them. You're annoying them by offering and that is just not true. People want help. I even have a little post it up that says people want offers. And I read them. Like boom, changes everything. Like
Andrea Nordling 56:25
yes, I'm not annoying. You think when you think I'm like you want me to make you an offer? So I'm going to make it to you, then how much more compelling is that offer? Like it's, it's magnetic, because your belief is you showed up here because you want to hear how I can help you. So here's our right and then it just is the most natural conversation instead of a scripty. salesy, like convincing icky feeling, right? Like, no, you want this in? So here it is, and I have
Peg Wedig 56:52
it. Yeah. So let's, let's make a deal. That's all you're doing. Like, yeah, no, it's beautiful.
Andrea Nordling 57:00
It is, it is. And people are very resourceful, and choose to invest in what they want to invest in. And either they will or they won't, but it's really not up to you. You just got to make the offer. And then they're going to decide I love
Peg Wedig 57:11
that resourcefulness thought that you have there. Because that's another area that I worked on. And then a thought that I use regularly is I trust my clients to make the best decision for themselves. Yeah,
Andrea Nordling 57:24
that feels so good. It doesn't, it means that takes them three months, it's totally fine. Because in three months, when they come back, they're ready. They're there. They're excited. They're committed and they are all in
Peg Wedig 57:37
totally. And you know, what, if they don't want to work with me, guess what? I really honestly don't want to work with them. Because then I'm not the coach for them. And then we're not going to click and we're not going to jive and, and it's gonna feel like pulling teeth. Yeah, we don't want that. Good. We're gonna want that we want clients that are ready to go and all in and jive with us and all the things.
Andrea Nordling 57:59
Yeah. So your thoughts about your offer, I think are so good. Now, I love to hear that you're just available just making offers $2,000. Come on, let's go,
Peg Wedig 58:10
this is a no brainer, it's a no brainer, you're gonna get so much more than $2,000 the value is so much more, you're gonna make way more than $2,000. And it's going to be so much fun. Does that sound familiar?
Andrea Nordling 58:25
Right, not someone that says something like that a timer.
Peg Wedig 58:29
Maybe very transparent. So true, though.
Andrea Nordling 58:33
I love that. And I also am excited for Well, I mean, I don't know what you're planning on with your offers, but I'm sure that you have an idea of this offer changing and increasing and you're probably selling yourself on that a little bit too and if so excited for that next version, because I know it'll be amazing for them and for you.
Peg Wedig 58:52
I am too so right now I'm still offering the one on ones and of course the five clients in 90 days program. And I've told myself like this is a good place to be right now. I have room to grow in both of those areas. Like as to what I want to build out there. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stay there forever. No, no, we're we're the train is moving this train is is moving. But that means that I like the car I'm in right now. And I'm gonna stay there for a little while and we'll see you know, three months whatever what what happens next? What comes next but it's exciting and it's fun. And I love it.
Andrea Nordling 59:32
Yes. And you can see your growth being mirrored with your clients growth and that feels the very best I think the very best I love that. company been spending time with us today talking about offers. I would just for the record I want to say I would pay you $25 Every month just for this conversation. I'm where should
Peg Wedig 59:53
I send the invoice to we can do it every week. You know I can prepare you for the month. Yeah or We can just make it simple and you can just pay my flow rate for life or at least the next 90 days. Let's see what? That's right.
Andrea Nordling 1:00:12
So much okay, so people can find you. Where?
Peg Wedig 1:00:15
Yeah, so the easiest way to find me right now is Facebook peg sites weighted sai tz wed G connect with little bear. That's easiest. Yep. And then I know I mentioned that I give away my best work. So if you are someone looking to niche, I have a 20 page nation guide with your name on it. Absolutely. I love that work on niching a slightly different way than a lot of people do. And I found that it really helps people get results quickly. If you're ready, and you want to niche like like me every night Bill said you don't have to niche to build an incredible business. But if that's where you're at love to talk to you.
Andrea Nordling 1:00:56
Oh, that's so good. Okay, so all of this juiciness will be included in the show notes of this episode, you can click below. I bet this is not the last time that we will chat about your business peg but thank you for stepping in with us today. I want to end with something like really epic and insightful but I don't think I have that. So we're just going to say Until next time,
Peg Wedig 1:01:18
until next time, lovey
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